Finish The Sentence
1. My grandpa once: called me Sarah. He was losing his mind before he died.
2. Never in my life have I: stolen, done drugs, or drank.
3. When I was younger, I: seriously considered become a ballerina fightfighter... Hey, it made sense to a four year old brain, but don't ask me to explain now my four year old brain is long gone lol
4.High school was: not something I ever experienced.
5.When I'm nervous: my arms turn bright red.
6. The last time I really cried was: something you'd have to ask Will about, I know I was crying to him but I don't remember when or why lol Know it wasn't his fault lol
7. If I were to get married right now: my grandma would have a heart attack lol
8. My hair is: long, blonde, and in serious need of a cut.
9. My feet are: too wide lol
10. When I was 5: I thought I looked like Barbie... I was FIVE!!! lol
11. Last Christmas: it didn't snow and that made me very sad lol
12. When I turn my head left: I see a kleenex box.
13. When I turn my head right: I see a door. Exciting as a dead fish. lol
14. My life is not complete without: chocolate. No really, it's not.
15. By this time next year: I'll have my driver's license, I hope lol
16. I have a hard time understanding: people that don't understand other people. That's not only ironic, that's confusing lol It's always a two for one with me folks!
17. One time at a family gathering: my great uncle tried to french my mom... in front of everyone... Did I mention he's a sick freak? lol
18. Take my advice: I can't use it.
19. My ideal breakfast is: after noon lol
20. If you visit my home town: lemme know where it is lol
21. My friends are: all psychos, but I love em anyway lol
22. If you spend the night at my house: fold the hand towel in the bathroom, please, it's a pet peeve lol
23. I would stop my wedding if: my parents weren't there.
24. The world could do without: all the wacko extremists.
25. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: lick the belly of a bigger cockroach lol
26. The most recent thing I've bought myself is: I believe a CD.
27. And, by the way: it was a really good CD lol
28. The last time I was high: I was in a plane. Ha..haha? High? Plane? Joke? Anyone???
29. In the past I shouldn't have been: so stupid. That covers everything lol
30. Once, at a bar/club: my cousin got kicked out lol
31. Last night, I: slept. Sort of.
32. If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow: I would sleep all day.
33. A better name for me would be: um... a name lol
34. In the last 6 months: I've cried enough to flood the Grand Canyon. Okay, maybe not lol
35. If I ever go back to school: my family might get off my back.
36: I bet you didn't know: I can put my fist in my mouth lol
37. I am: tired lol
38. I read: a lot of books.
39. Every birthday: I try and keep my extended family at arms length at the very least lol
40. I regret: crying with Will the week I was there... He knows why...