Monday, July 24, 2006

Saturday Six #119

1. If you had the chance to press a button and find out for sure whether or not God exists, would you take that risk, even if it meant that believers might find out there isn't one or that non-believers might find out that there is?

Wow, that's a tricky question for me actually. But I'd have to say yes. I mean, either way, the truth is out. Of course I believe I'd be showing to everyone there is a God, but man that'd suck to be an athiest lol

2. Whatever your position on your belief of God, if you found out beyond any doubt that you were wrong, how much do you think you would change how you live your life?

Honestly, I don't think it'd change. I still want to live the best I can, I don't want to do bad things because well it'd hurt people. Now where's the fun in that?

3. In honor of Planters' 100th birthday, what's your favorite kind of nut?

Oh definitely cashew. I adore cashews.

4. Looking back over your high school years, what label would best describe your personality?

Plain Jane or Girl Next Door. Depends on who's looking at me. Personally, Plain Jane. Never stood out much. But the people that knew me best, would probably say Girl Next Door.

5. Take the quiz: How controlling are you? (Thanks to Shelly.)

Oh how not shocking lol

You Are 44% Control Freak

Generally, you are in control but not a control freak. You life is usually in order.

However, sometimes you get too obsessed with making everything in your life picture perfect.

6. Did you expect a higher or lower score?

If anything, higher. But I think this defines me really well.


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