Sunday Seven #38
List your top seven blogging pet peeves.
1. Music that starts from no where, sudden, loud. In my opinion you never put up a song that starts out that hard. It should start out soft enough that people can understand that it's on the page and there's a stop button. (There should ALWAYS be a stop button.)
2. Font. Either obnoxiously loud or so quiet it's hard to focus on. (Loud meaning bright colors, huge font, etc, quiet being pale hard to notice font, or small size.)
3. Extremely busy pages/backgrounds, etc.
4. Lots and lots of pictures. I love pictures, I do. But unless you're a picture blog, I really want to READ. If you have a bunch of pictures you want to show for a post, fine, great, send me a link to Flickr so I can look at them.
5. Pointless entries or comments. If you have something to say, say it. If you don't, don't.
6. Ads. Hate ads. I understand the need in some cases, but a lot of ads annoy me.
7. Too much color. I like basics, I don't like to be overloaded with colors.
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